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Feb 9 / Greg

Why Am I Andy Kay – LA Private Investigator

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Andy Kay.  This individual is one of LA’s finest Private Investigators, but he may not be what you expect.  Not only does he travels the world helping his clients, but he also takes certain cases very personal…much the way I think I might.  After everything he’s done and seen, I figured he’d be pretty jaded, and while he does have a healthy dose of skepticism, he still sees the good in the world, and it seems he tries to embody that good himself.  I hope you enjoy this chat with Andy.

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Feb 2 / Greg

Why Am I Jayse O’Brien – My favorite reactor

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Jayse OBrein.This fella is a man of many talents: he’s a voice over artist, an over the top foodie, an actor, reactor, and costco dad.  What strikes me the most about Jayse is his insanely high energy, his obvious zest for life, and the way he wants to bring everyone along with him.  There’s some definite parallels between the two of us, and I’m not just talking about our love for 90s pop culture, though I feel this might be the most important one.  At any rate, I hope you enjoy this fast paced conversation with Jayse.

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Jan 26 / Greg

Why Am I Patrick Christmas – Owner Austin Sol

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today. My guest this go around is Patrick Christmas. Imagine combining soccer, football, and frisbee…that is kind of the foundation of ultimate frisbee. Now add in quick action, full field hucks, and insane layout catches, and you might start to get an idea of why this ultimate vet decided to single handedly start an Austin ultimate pro team. If you’ve never watched a game, pop to youtube and give it a watch, then grab tickets for your local team. At any rate, I hope you enjoy this conversation with Patrick.

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Jan 19 / Greg

Why Am I Jimmy Diresta – How Jimmy became our favorite maker

Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today.  My guest this go around is Jimmy Diresta.  Jimmy is the first maker, a term I believe he really popularized, I started watching on youtube.  I think maker isn’t just a moniker, or even a life style for Jimmy…I think he truly has no other choice…I think it’s part of his soul…or as he describes it, the reason he’s here.  From the moment we started talking Jimmy was my cousin who he hasn’t seen for a minute, and I hope you all enjoy catching up with Jimmy.

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Nov 5 / Greg

Ansible Import Vs Include…What’s The Real Difference?

There are three module types that can be either imported or included which are: import/include_task, import/include_role, or import/include_playbook.
While these are mostly the same there are some subtle differences…so subtle in fact that I couldn’t really figure out what the difference was, so why not share what I’ve learned 🙂

So the textbook difference between the two is that:
Import is static. This means they are fully loaded before playbook execution begins.
Include is dynamic. This means they are parsed during execution as they are reached.

I’m not sure how this reads to you, but my understanding was that variables and the like would be interpreted strangely for imports…kind of like whatever the value of a variable was at load would somehow dictate their inclusion or reaction…which was wrong. Here’s a playbook I wrote to try and test:

# playbook.yml
- name: A demo on using include vs import in Ansible with incorrect info
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    testvar: "Initial Value"  # Initial value for the variable
    - name: Display initial testvar value
        msg: "Before import_tasks and include_tasks: testvar is {{ testvar }}"
    - name: Use import_tasks (static)
      import_tasks: tasks/import-tasks.yml
    - name: Update testvar to "Updated Value"
        testvar: "Updated Value"
    - name: Use include_tasks (dynamic)
      include_tasks: tasks/include-tasks.yml
    - name: Re-run import_tasks after update
      import_tasks: tasks/import-tasks.yml

Here are the two task files it calls(really they are just spitting out debug info…nothing special here):

# tasks/import-tasks.yml
- name: Import Task Display testvar if it is "Updated Value"
    msg: "Import Task: testvar is {{ testvar }}"
  when: testvar == "Updated Value"
# tasks/include-tasks.yml
- name: Include Task Display testvar if it is "Updated Value"
    msg: "Include Task: testvar is {{ testvar }}"
  when: testvar == "Updated Value"

I was thinking that in the above example it wouldn’t run any of the imports(as at runtime the variable would have been set incorrectly). Take a look at the job output, though:

PLAY [A demo on using include vs import in Ansible with incorrect info] ********
TASK [Display initial testvar value] *******************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Before import_tasks and include_tasks: testvar is Initial Value"
TASK [Import Task Display testvar if it is "Updated Value"] ********************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [Update testvar to "Updated Value"] ***************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Use include_tasks (dynamic)] *********************************************
included: /runner/project/tasks/include-tasks.yml for localhost
TASK [Include Task Display testvar if it is "Updated Value"] *******************

I tried all kinds of variations, but no matter what, I couldn’t get it to fail. It ignored the first import as one would expect, but when I reset the variable it went ahead and ran the second import…So, I surrender trying to make it functionally display their differences. There are a few things that are definetly different as per this documentation:

Using include* does have some limitations when compared to import* statements:

  • Tags which only exist inside a dynamic include will not show up in –list-tags output.
  • Tasks which only exist inside a dynamic include will not show up in –list-tasks output.
  • You cannot use notify to trigger a handler name which comes from inside a dynamic include (see note below).
  • You cannot use –start-at-task to begin execution at a task inside a dynamic include.

    Using import* can also have some limitations when compared to dynamic includes:

  • As noted above, loops cannot be used with imports at all.
  • When using variables for the target file or role name, variables from inventory sources (host/group vars, etc.) cannot be used.
  • Handlers using import* will not be triggered when notified by their name, as importing overwrites the handler’s named task with the imported task list.

    Looking at the plus’ and minus’ of each, just go with include by default.
    Most of the shortcomings of include are things I never run into, so not really a problem.
    The shortcomings of import are much more impactful: not being able to use it with loops and losing inventory source variables.


    In short, use include and just ignore the import stuff.
    If you have any other topics of interest, let me know. If you would tweak or tune this, drop me a note on that too.
    Good luck out there; happy automating, and happy including!

    Sep 16 / Greg

    Fantasy Restaurant Gary Goldstein

    Welcome to the warmup exercise for the Why Am I podcast called “the Fantasy Restaurant.” In here, my guests get to pick their favorite: drink, appetizer, main, sides, and dessert…anything goes. Gary puts together a meal that seems to incorporate a lot of the foods found near his NY home…and Asia, and Greece, and Italy LOL. Though it varies a lot, it all sounds delicious. I hope you enjoy this meal with Gary.

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    Sep 9 / Greg

    Why Am I Gary Goldstein

    Hey everybody, I’m Greg Sowell and this is Why Am I, a podcast where I talk to interesting people and try to trace a path to where they find themselves today. My guest this go around is Gary Goldstein. This fella is a writer of books, TV shows, and of movies. Not only has he written for Hallmark movies, which is becoming something of a theme here), but he also wrote for the likes of Beverly Hills 90210, which featured prominently in my younger years. If you find this walk through his mind interesting, I urge you to check out his newest book Please Come To Boston. At any rate, I hope you enjoy this chat with Gary.

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    If you want to support the podcast you can do so via (this gives you access to bonus content including their Fantasy Restaurant!)