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Feb 13 / Greg

My Thumb Drive 2 – Electric Boogaloo

More of my tools.

Quick Mailer– I use this to test sending emails through open relays and the like.  You can kick out a quick email from some ridiculous source to your coworkers 😉

Putty– I used to use tutty because it added serial support, but now putty itself does serial support.  This allows you to telnet/ssh/serial into any of your devices.  I use this for all my connections, router or server.

Proccess explorer– Another sysinternals prog.  This allows you to find some hidden running progs and smite them…at least, that’s what I use it for.

mstsc.exe – This is the windows remote desktop client.  I keep this on my thumb drive just in case.  I have hit a few machines that didn’t have it.

LDAPAdmin – My favorite LDAP browser/administrator.  I’ve used this a LOT, and it has been a real life saver!

Angry IP Scanner– I use this regularly to scan subnets for active hosts.  It also has port scanning capabilities, but I seldom use these.

IPerf – Bandwidth client/server testing tool.  You can test from one laptop to another across a link to see what kind of BW you get.  Be sure to test straight from laptop to laptop with a crossover cable first.  Windows machines can be a little strange at times.


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  1. Jacob Bertling / Feb 19 2009

    The Quick Mailer is pretty sweet. I don’t suppose there is a quick mail receiver? I assume you would have to have a registered domain to receive mail.

    Also I bet that if you were malicious you could use a program like quick mailer combined with Autoit to exploit an open relay and SPAM people.

  2. Greg / Feb 19 2009

    I’ve used quick mailer quite a few times…some of them were even legitimate…:) The thunderbird portable app is a good quick email checker.

    You could use autoit to interface with quick mailer, or you could use autoit to simply connect straight to the relay itself. I’ve got a script that is scheduled to publish next week which connects to a relay and sends an email. It is used to send daily test messages through the system.

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