Shutdown And Enable Radios On A Cisco Wireless LAN Controller
So I’m about to do some work with Ubiquiti in an environment that has a decent chunk of Cisco gear controlled via WLC. I want to kill allllll of the Cisco radios at once so I can do some spectral analysis before I do a complete transition. I found a few commands that will help you to list the APs, then shutdown/enable in mass.
First SSH/telnet into your wireless controller.
To list the APs:
1 | show ap summary |
Take the list of APs and format them as so to disable B G N radios:
1 | 802.11b disable ApName |
The trick is to really just to make a list of all your APs in this fashion and paste them in.
To enable the radios do this:
1 | 802.11b enable ApName |
To disable A N radios:
1 | 802.11a disable ApName |
To enable them back:
1 | 802.11a enable ApName |
This will allow you to enable/disable the radios in mass, which should make your task of testing just a little bit easier. 🙂