OWIKIT ATR(All Terrain Robot)
The kids and I recently assembled the OWI ATR. It is basically a kit that assembles into a tank style grabber, forklift or rover. It has a corded remote and runs off of 3 AA batteries. Since this has a LOT of parts I broke the build out to about four days…the kiddos have a somewhat limited attention span ;). It was a decent introduction to motors and gears, but the kids had more fun playing with the tracks while I put the whole thing together…such is life hehehe.
I’ll post the video up later 🙂
Next Steps:
Ages 8-10 – paint flames on it
Ages 10-12 – equip it with a remote control system and brushless track motors
Ages 12-14 – add a camera to it and a webpage to remotely control and view the camera
Ages 15-18 – teach it to make the boys beds and clean the house, as by this age it will be the only one doing this.
I have no doubt you are correct, but I doubt they will make their beds at any age hehe
I think you were having more fun than they were.. 🙂 🙂
I don’t see this as being a problem 😉