MUM 2011 – Las Vegas
So the US MUM has been announced, and it is in Vegas. It is riding the tails of the WISPApalooza conference. I would have tried to make it to that this year, but due to scheduling conflicts I’ll just be making the MUM. Actually, I’ll be hitting Vegas on Wednesday and staying till Sunday.
I’ll be doing a presentation on Friday, which will hopefully be cool/interesting. I might have t-shirts again this year and if I do they will be different than last year. I plan to give them away free again, only it will be right after my presentation. Be sure to come by grab a shirt and say hello.
What the real purpose of this post is to setup a time to meet up with you guys. Anyone interested, please drop a comment or email or call.
I’ll be there for MTCNA training and the MUM… Hope to CU there.
Indeed. I’ll be the tall bald guy.
I will probably continue to be the youngest one there…
And how old would that be? I just turned 30 😛
I’ll be there Saturday till Sunday. Doing both WISPAPALOZA and MUM. I’m definitely looking forward to meeting some other people who do what I do.
Does anyone know of any certifications for Mikrotik going on this week as well?
PS I’m turning 31 in Nov.
Buy you dinner on Wednesday if you are in early enough? Hey Andrew can come too 😉
I’ll be at the meet and greet on Wednesday…As well as making an appearance at the UBNT thing. Just look for the tall bald kid.