Mikropoynt Assembly With No Preparation
I wanted a slim directional enclosure for my laptop bag, so I grabbed one of the Poynting Mikropoynts.
These guys weigh in at around $25. They come with concrete studs, a pole clamp and even suction cups! I also like that it has light pipes for the boards LEDs.
I made a video of the assembly, have a look:
You demonstrated beautifully why I hate u.fl rf connectors. Thanks to Mikrotik for finally seeing the light, and starting to use MMCX connectors.
Thanks for using youtube for the video it actually played. Hehe. 😛
@Tim The connector was facing the wrong direction, so I had to persuade it to turn around…and yes it is a pain in the butt!
@JJ You know what happens to the dog that bites the hand that feeds it…No seriously…do you know? My mom said they took the dog out to a farm to live free and play amongst the other animals.