I found this cool site a while back. If you want to check if your website is down from multiple locations, you can simply go to this site and enter it in. It looks like this one is even more robust with extra options.
Sweet tip! I was thinking about just seeing if the server was up and serving. Your link actually checks how different browsers render the page…brilliant.
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com – this one is great for end users or mum and dad users to rather easily tell them if something is a local issue or the problem is widespread, obviously not a “catch all” but a good start.
I personally use also these, to check for design problems or specific elements that might not load:
Sweet tip! I was thinking about just seeing if the server was up and serving. Your link actually checks how different browsers render the page…brilliant.
Couple of other ones:
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com – this one is great for end users or mum and dad users to rather easily tell them if something is a local issue or the problem is widespread, obviously not a “catch all” but a good start.
Nice one mate!
Whenever I read omegatron, I always thing of some kind of multivitamin with omega-3…hehe