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May 25 / Greg

Settlers of Catan: Why I Can’t Game

Over the weekend I was at a work function with several of my fellow employees. We ended up playing a board game called Settlers of Catan. I was being very resistant to playing it at first. I mean, I like playing Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, but these long involved strategy games just don’t do it for me…but why is that?

I started to think about on a run this morning. I know I used to like strategy games like Warcraft and Command and Conquer, but they hold little interest for me know. I think I hit on the answer at about mile 3. I live in a strategy game…only with much higher stakes. The balance of networking that I do on a daily basis if done wrong could cost thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands in damages if done wrong. That and my employment would be in question as well as the future long-term stability of my family’s well being. Beyond that we work with dangerous equipment on a semi-regular basis.

When comparing a few brick cards or lumber, how can a serious board game compare? I suppose that’s why I just stick with the trivia and drawing dumb picture games…keeps life light. Oh, and BTW, I won Catan…like a boss!

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