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Nov 17 / Greg

Mikrotik X86 Interfaces Always Appear Running

I just recently noticed that some of my server based mikrotiks were showing “R” by ethernet interfaces that I knew were down. I did some quick searching and found that on X86 installs by default there is an option “disable-running-check” enabled. What this does is make the interface appear to always be running. As a byproduct if the interface always appears to be running, any IP addressing and routing is also still valid. This means that your router will still thinks this is a valid path.

With a quick command, you can revert this behavior to normal opperation:
In the below command I specified all three of my interfaces at once.

/interface ethernet set 0,1,2 disable-running-check=no

Here's the before - All ethers appear to be running, do they not?

Issue the command to set it back to normal

All is right with the world...the voices in my head are quited.

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